Daisy Love

Art Appreciation Starts EARLY!

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Most parents tend to allow or wait for their children to appreciate art on their own. Some even wash their hands of it, waiting for their children to learn about art in school. Here’s a small known FACT, developmentally children are who their going to be for the rest of their lives by age FOUR. Art is an amazing way for one to express him or herself. I began crafting as a toddler because my aunt was a pre-school teacher who later opened her own home daycare. Ever since I could remember, my older sister and I were making SOMETHING! Whether it was a craft or making homemade rice crispy treats back in the early 90’s before they were mass produced and sold in stores. With that being said, I introduced my daughter to the world of creativity long before her 1st birthday. SPREAD THE JOYS OF ART, EACH ONE TEACH ONE!

Her 2nd birthday easel!

Her 2nd birthday easel!

Her 2nd birthday easel!

Her 2nd birthday easel!

Mommy made all of her NB headbands before she was born : )

Mommy made all of her NB headbands before she was born : )

Mug decorating at her NYE Party 2014!

Mug decorating at her NYE Party 2014!

Little writer!

Little writer!

A visiting ballerina!

A visiting ballerina!

She forced her way into dance class at age ONE!

She forced her way into dance class at age ONE!

A baby author!

A baby author!

She loved  reading early!

She loved reading early!

Kailee's bubble machine that she got for her 1st birthday

Kailee’s bubble machine that she got for her 1st birthday

This gallery contains 11 photos

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TUTORIAL: Custom Keyboards

This project is colorful, creative, and SIMPLE! Your laptop keys will reflect creativity! You’ll still be able to see each key due to the tape’s transparency.

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Washi tape

Scissors or a craft knife

Ruler *optional

Computer or a laptop



STEP 1: Cut the washi tape small enough to fit over the keys using your craft knife. Each key is about ½ and inch. You can either use a ruler or eyeball it.


STEP 2: Place the tape onto the keys and use the back of either your craft knife or your fingernail to press the tape down


STEP 3: Continue to do this until all or most of your keys are covered.




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TUTORIAL: Doc McStuffins Headband Center Piece


This project is extremely easy and cost effective to make! I found the materials here and there over the course of a few months. I bought the stand at my favorite craft store in Downtown Los Angeles, the headbands were bought at Target, and the flowers were bought at the dollar store. It helped a lot that my daughter already had the Doc doll. Once you have all of your materials, you’ll be set to go.



8-10 Glitter headbands

80-10 Faux flowers

1 Hot glue gun

1 Small wire cutter

1 Jewelry Stand

1 Medium sized doll or stuffed animal



STEP 1: Use your wire cutter and cut each flower off of its stem.

*Be careful, if you cut to close to the flower it will fall apart.


STEP 2: Plug in your hot glue gun and let it get nice and hot. Once your hot glue is hot and ready for use, glue 1 flower onto each headband. Let the headbands hang somewhere to dry.

*DO NOT DRY THEM ON THE DISPLAY because the glue is still wet and may stick to the display


STEP 3: Once the headbands are dry, hand them on your jewelry stand or display. Place the doll or stuffed animal inside or next to the stand and ENJOY!

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RECIPE: Lemony Mint Detox Water


We live in the age of energy drinks, fast food, and fast living. If we truly knew all of the toxins that we had in our bodies, we’d think twice before eating that burger or going out for cocktails. Truth is, even with amazing eating habits, you’ll most likely slip up and put some tomfoolery in your body. Thankfully, there are ways to revitalize your system. Try this detox water and you be SURE to be at your best!



1 Lemon

½ Cucumber

½ A Bunch of Fresh Mint

Fresh Grapefruit & Sweetener *OPTIONAL


Cut up all of your ingredients, put them in a bottle/cup, and let it sit for at least an hour. I let mine sit in the fridge overnight. Enjoy it for breakfast, lunch, post workout, etc. DRINK & ENJOY!

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Tutorial: Starbucks Gift Card Holder


Tired of giving the same ‘ol gift card in a greeting card? Try this DIY gift card holder! The only thing you’ll need to purchase is the tissue paper. If you’re lucky, you already have some on hand! If you need to purchase tissue paper, you can just buy a quick pack from your local 99 Cent Only Store . It’s a total cost of $1 to make! (*The $1 doesn’t include the gift card)



1 Starbucks liquid cup with lid

1 Starbucks straw

Starbucks coffee beans

Tissue paper

Gift card




STEP 1: Go to a local Starbucks and ask for a grande (or venti) liquid cup and a few coffee beans. Then, purchase the gift card of your choice. Grab your own straw before leaving.

*If you ask for a “few” coffee beans, they’ll more than likely give you quite a bit more. Also, I like to grab a tea or refresher while I’m there (fair exchange).

STEP 2: Take the top off of the cup and set it to the side

STEP 3: Pour coffee beans almost to the middle of the the cup. Put a reasonable amount of tissue paper in the cup, leaving the middle open. Place the straw in middle of the cup, within the tissue paper and coffee beans. Stick the gift card in the middle of the card.

STEP 4: Pour more coffee beans into the cup until the gift card is covered. Wrap tissue paper around straw then place the top back onto the cup.

*Be careful not to overflow, thus, spilling out EVERYWHERE!  

STEP 5: Wrap the straw with ribbon or a bow then give it someone special with a SMILE & PLENTY OF LOVE!


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FLASHBACK FRIDAY: Kailee’s Lemonade Stand

Well, it looks like its that time of year again. It’s time for my daughter’s birthday! It’s crazy funny how fast time flies. In honor of her upcoming 2nd birthday, this week’s #FBF will feature her 1st birthday. It was a cute little lemonade stand theme! She had a water slide/jumper, photo booth, lemonade stand, etc. Handmade decor by yours truly and an etsy vendor or two !

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